The Future of Core Banking and Embedded Finance


May 3rd, 2024

1 hr 5 mins 34 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Our guest is Itai Damti, CEO of Unit, founded in 2019. Unit now partners with about 200 customers ranging from public companies to start ups. Customers includes names like Invoice2Go (, AngelList, Wix, Instawork, and more.

In the past, banking institutions have faced an enourmous build-out in technnology and personnel in order to launch and manage an embedded finance – otherwise known as banking as a service – program. Just to build the technical foundation for tasks like reconciliation, end user indentification, compliance, statements, reporting, and fraud, an institution needed 20 or more solutions.

In this episode we cover what limited the success of early fintech, why embedded finance became essential to fintech success, how innovation to serve institutions, and how fintech could redefine embedded finance's future.